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We have created an entire database for this. Search for a food to view nutrition information, and how to cut and serve that food to babies and toddlers depending on their age. The database is also available as an app, you can download on iPhone or Android.
There's no one answer to this question, it all depends on what you need. We've written the ultimate guide to choosing a high chair.
There are many opinions on water consumption for infants, babies, and toddlers. Per the American Academy of Pediatrics, small amounts of water can be offered starting around 6 months as long as baby is growing and gaining appropriately, but water is optional before 12 months of age. Get answers to all of your questions about water intake, different kinds of water, and how to introduce water on our detailed water page.
Yes! Babies can have dairy products once they are showing readiness for solids. This includes cheese, butter, and other foods made with milk. Hold off on milk as a drink until baby is around 12 months old in order to not discourage breast milk and formula intake.
Sodium is an essential nutrient our bodies need in small amounts to regulate fluids in our blood and to power our neurological system. Too much salt can be unhealthy for babies so it's important to know how much salt you can safely add to baby's food. Find the answer to that and more questions about salt on our sodium page.
There are endless possibilities for cups, but there are only two cups you really need:
Open cup
Straw cup
We have information about teaching baby to drink from a cup, what to do if baby doesn't seem interested (or dumps all of the liquid on the floor) and a lot more on our cup drinking page.
There are lots of reasons why baby might not be interested in food, but figuring out what's really going on can help you to know if you should wait, take action, or find some more help. Our troubleshooting page goes through more detail of scenarios and instructions by age.
No. A randomized control trial referred to as the BLISS study demonstrated that babies were no more likely to choke when self-feeding safe finger foods than babies who are spoonfed. The study also confirmed that choking risk decreases when a baby self-feeds, which has been deeply researched in the adult population. In our extensive clinical experience, we have seen babies who learn to self-feed a variety of textures early on become more skilled eaters and are less likely to accidentally choke or struggle with food as they grow older and begin to eat more challenging foods with less and less supervision. Just like practice walking and climbing builds babies’ balance over time, we believe that trying to eat a wide variety of foods builds their chewing skills over time.
6 months old is usually the marker when a full-term, healthy baby is developmentally ready to eat solids. Around this age, babies are able to sit unsupported, control their head movement, show attentive interest in the activity, and able to bring food to their mouths accurately. Each baby develops along their own timeline, but it is rare to see 4- or 5-month-old babies who show all these skills.
The simple answer is yes. Baby-led weaning is a way of introducing solid food by letting baby self-feed from the start. It is often synonymous with finger foods. However, our opinion is that babies who are self-feeding benefit from a wide variety of textures and food consistencies, including purees. Even adults eat purees and soft foods like hummus and yogurt! Babies can practice self feeding with loaded spoons. If you choose to give your babies a pouch, you can encourage self-feeding by letting them hold it by themselves.
Yes. While technically the term "baby-led weaning" refers to starting solids with self-feeding, all babies must transition to chewable food at some point during their weaning journey. So even if you begin with a spoon feeding approach, your baby must learn to eat table food independently. The safest way for a baby to consume table food is via self-feeding (choking risk increases when caregivers put finger food or table food directly in baby's mouth) so when baby transitions to table food or finger food, it's important to let baby take the lead and feed themselves. Once you start finger foods (regardless of baby's age), you may consider beginning with the 6+ month presentations as these are easier for novice eaters to get to the mouth and begin to manipulate. (See our First Foods® database for details).
First, check with your pediatrician to make sure the reaction doesn’t indicate a bigger issue, such as an allergic reaction, FPIES, or reflux. Other reasons for why babies may vomit during or after eating include being too full when they started the meal (for example when the solids meal is too close to a breast or bottle feed), or after gagging. If you suspect that baby may have thrown up from being too full of milk, wait at least one hour after breast or bottle feeding your baby before offering solid foods. If it seems like your baby is throwing up a lot while eating or if anything concerns you, talk to your pediatrician. For more on gagging, what it looks like and what it's not, see our Gagging page.
Have you ever tried to eat from a bar stool with no footrest? With your legs just dangling? Apart from being uncomfortable, dangling legs impact a baby’s core stability. Core strength gives your babies the stable platform they need to focus on developing dynamic and complex movements in their fingers and tongue as they learn to self-feed. Proper positioning while eating—sitting totally upright, hips at a 90 degree angle, feet supported—will not only increase the amount of time your babies are willing to stay seated in their high chair, but should decrease the risk of choking as well.
The most important things to look for in a high chair include an upright position—no leaning or tilting back whatsoever—and an adjustable footplate that supports your baby's feet and legs so that their hips are at a 90 degree angle. It is also important to have a detachable tray so you can pull your baby's chair up to the table. Read about our recommendations in our Ultimate Guide to High Chairs
In general, for 6- to 12-month-old babies, you want to focus on foods that are packed with iron, protein, and are nutrient-dense. It's also important that the food is able to be prepared or modified in a way that is easy to hold and safe to consume at this age. Dive right into our First Foods® database.
For more information on age-appropriate food sizes and how to modify foods for babies to safely self-feed, check out our section on Food Sizes & Shapes for Babies.
As long as you prioritize self-feeding, it is our opinion that babies benefit from a wide variety of textures and food consistencies, including the occasional purée or pouch. If you choose to serve a pouch at mealtime, you can encourage self-feeding by letting your babies hold it themselves.
No. It is a misconception that babies need teeth to eat. Did you know that the teeth that we actually use to chew (our molars) don’t come in until well after the first birthday? Babies can munch and grind food with their gums. Be sure to check out the foods that are not safe for babies before the age of one as well as common choking hazards.
We believe that letting your baby self feed and offering family foods early and often helps to build more joyful mealtimes later. Baby-led weaning can build a strong foundation for eating. It is not a magic potion against selective phases, which many babies go through around 18 to 36 months of age, but the eating habits (for child and parent) developed in those early days of starting solids help families navigate them quickly.
Your baby is ready to start solids when they are able to sit upright with minimal support, control their head movements, apply their motor skills to accurately bring food to their mouth, and express an interest in self-feeding. These developmental milestones are usually reached around 6 months of age. The best way to “know” is to start bringing your babies to the table when they hit the 5-month mark and let them sit in your lap as you eat. If your babies can hold their heads up the whole time, watch you eat, and attempt to grab at the food, this tells you that they are probably ready to start solids! Need more information? Check out our page on readiness.
First, it is important to distinguish the difference between gagging and choking. True choking is when the airway is obstructed and your babies are having trouble breathing. Signs of a baby choking include an inability to cry, difficulty breathing, lungs pulling inward, high-pitched sounds, or turning blue. If you suspect your baby is choking, call 9-1-1 or local emergency services immediately and conduct age-appropriate CPR.
For more information see our Safety section and familiarize yourself with the list of common choking hazards. Also, read up on gagging to understand the difference between choking and gagging.
Yes. True choking is when the airway is obstructed and your baby is having trouble breathing. Signs of a baby choking include an inability to cry, difficulty breathing, lungs pulling inward, high-pitched sounds, or changing color, often a blue, purple or ashen hue. If you suspect your baby is choking, call 9-1-1 or local emergency services immediately and conduct age-appropriate CPR.
Gagging is a protective reflex that results in the contraction of the back of the throat. It is a natural function and protects from choking. When this happens, it’s important to let your baby work the food forward on their own and to refrain from sticking your finger in their mouths, which can make the situation worse.
For more information on choking, visit our section on gagging and choking or download our Infant Rescue Guide, and familiarize yourself with the list of common choking hazards.
Generally speaking, babies are getting “enough” to eat when they are able to sustain consistent periods of being content, alert, and playful; peeing several times a day; pooping daily or every few days; energetically exploring their environment; learning new skills; and steadily growing.
In the first year of life, the primary source of nutrition should be breast milk or formula, which can be complemented by nutrient-dense solid food at around 6 months old. During this phase, remember that learning to eat solid foods takes time and babies will often continue to eat around the same volume of breast milk or formula. Just as we would not expect a baby who is learning to walk to be able to hike alongside us, we should not expect an infant who is just learning to taste, explore, and chew solid foods to actually eat those foods (at all or at least efficiently) at first. Babies are incredibly good at regulating their appetites and communicating cues to parents that they are hungry or full. As long as you are offering your baby solid food two to three times a day (and after 12 months old, moving to three meals + two snacks a day) and continuing to offer breast milk or formula feeds until around 12 to 15 months old, your baby should be getting enough to eat. If you have any concerns about your baby’s weight or growth, check in with your pediatrician.
Around 12-15 months solid foods should start to become a child’s primary source of nutrition. Typically solids will become the primary nutrition source by 18-24 months, with milk feeds either stopping or becoming less frequent and more about comfort and a small nutrition boost than meeting caloric needs. Keep in mind that many babies are able to drop all breast and bottle feeds by 12-15 months and only eat solids, but many others will have a more gradual transition from milk feeds as primary to solids over the course of that second year, and both are normal. Rather than worrying about consumption at 12-15 months, this is a good time to start paying more attention to baby’s consumption and even encouraging more food intake by modifying baby’s mealtime schedule to bring them more frequently to the table to share in family meals, and by gradually reducing the frequency or the amount of breast milk or formula that is offered to the child throughout the day or night.
Baby should be actively exploring and trying to eat solid foods by 10 to 12 months old. If they have no interest in this or are refusing to participate in any table meals, this is a good time to speak with your baby’s medical provider and consider a referral to a local pediatric occupational therapist (OT) or speech and language pathologist (SLP) to help you figure out what’s going on and to help get on track. If baby is actively exploring foods but is still taking in (swallowing) minimal amounts of solid foods by 12-15 months old, start by looking at your meal time schedule, and very gently, reducing the amount of milk feeds offered throughout the day to see if this encourages improve consumption at the table. If they are still taking in minimal amounts of solid foods by 15 months despite gently reducing the amount of milk feeds offered throughout the day, this would be a good time to speak with your child’s medical provider about a referral to a local OT or SLP who can evaluate your child’s oral motor skills and be sure they are on track.
Timing breast or bottle feeds around solid meals largely depends on baby’s age and how long they’ve been eating solids.
Many 6-8-month-old babies first starting with solids do well with a brief breast or bottle feed before and after a solid food meal. This prevents them from getting overly hungry or frustrated at the table and helps fill their belly after working hard to explore and learn about eating solid food. However, if baby is quick to gag, spit up, or throw up, hold the pre-meal snack and offer a post-meal breast or bottle feed about an hour after the solid food meal.
Around 8-10 months old and after practicing eating solid foods for 2-3 months, most babies no longer need a breast or bottle appetizer before a solid food meal. At this age and stage, most babies are ready for a hunger-drive motivation to explore and eat at the table. A post-meal breast or bottle feed may still be helpful though.
As baby reaches 12 months of age, allow at least an hour between breast or bottle feeds and solid meals to encourage more intake of solid foods at the meal.
Yes, it is actually quite common (and completely normal) to see partially digested bits of food in your baby’s poop! Solid food can pass rather quickly through a baby’s digestive tract. The faster the food travels, the less time it has to be fully digested. Certain other factors like juice and antibiotics can cause food to move rapidly through the intestines as well, leading to very loose poop with bits of food in it. Also, remember that your baby is developing chewing skills at this age. This can also result in seeing pieces of carrots, broccoli, blueberries among others in the poop. In general, as long as your baby is thriving, this is not worrisome. If you consistently see undigested food in your baby’s poop and/or your baby is having difficulty gaining weight, we strongly suggest that you check in with your child’s health care provider.
Babies are born with a tongue thrust, which means their tongues push things like food forward and out of their mouths. They also have spent the first several months of their life moving their tongue forward and backwards as part of breast and bottle feeding, so those mouth muscles are quite strong! As babies learn to chew and swallow, they begin to exercise different muscles---the ones that move their tongues to the side of their mouths. Around the 6- to 7-month mark, the tongue thrust begins to disappear, and with some practice, babies develop new tricks to break down the food and move it backwards to swallow. At this stage, it’s very common for babies to spit out food that is too big to swallow or not chewed enough. They’re learning—and this is a good thing that you may even want to coach your baby to do so that they become more comfortable with eating.
If you have any concerns about how your baby is eating or swallowing, make an appointment with your pediatrician.
So with the spitting of the same texture, it’s common and normal like it’s normal for some kids to skip crawling or to be less athletic or slower to grasp reading (all fine but may put your babe at a small health or life disadvantage and suggests they need a little support in this area). It’s normal but not an ideal response and that small “preference” can snowball into a distinct problem over time. As a caveat, therapists really like to call this abnormal and often scare parents by saying their kid may have sensory processing disorder. Yes, they *might* and it’s also a symptom associated with autism, but on its own, it’s not really indicative of anything and can just be part of natural differences in a person’s nervous system which can be outgrown with time and patience. More on spitting here.
No. Babies come in all shapes and sizes and with a wide range of appetites. Trust that your baby will eat when hungry and stop when full. If you have any concerns about your baby’s weight or growth, check in with your child's medical provider. The beauty of baby-led weaning, however, is that your baby is self-feeding, and therefore learning how to recognize hunger and fullness cues on their own.
The simple answer is no. Parents occasionally misinterpret a baby’s cries as signs of hunger when they may just be fussy because they are bored, frustrated, tired, etc. It’s okay to try other ways to soothe your baby, such as rocking, singing, or playing. Experiment to see if these alternatives work but always trust your instincts and your baby, and offer milk feeds as baby is interested. A baby will rarely overeat.
Iron deficiency—which is serious—is quite common in babies and toddlers. To help your baby boost their iron reserves, serve foods like red meat, liver, and sardines. You can also serve plant-based sources of iron, such as lentils and chickpeas, alongside foods that are high in vitamin C, such as strawberries, to aid iron absorption. Our round-up of iron-rich foods might give you some ideas for what to offer baby for their next meal.
Don’t worry! It’s normal. Many babies—especially those who are younger than 12 months old—have not developed the dexterity to hold onto their food, so naturally their food falls to the floor as they learn how to grip. After the 12-month mark, babies start to learn that they can throw food to assert their independence or get attention from you. Don’t react in a negative way; simply offer the food to them one more time. If they throw it again, try applying a little tough love: “I see you are throwing your food. Okay, breakfast is over. We’ll have more to eat at snack time.” Then remove the meal. During this phase, if you have a family dog, consider moving the pet outside or into a separate room at mealtimes to limit your babies’ temptation to drop or throw food for the fun of watching the dog react. Read more in our post on throwing food.
It's important to remember that chewing is a learned behavior. While it is true that adults generally chew their food more completely than infants or toddlers, this does not mean that young eaters are not absorbing adequate nutrients. There is no evidence to suggest that infants who follow baby-led weaning (self-feeding) weigh less than spoon-fed babies, nor do they face an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies.
When an infant first begins their finger food journey, the goal is not the consumption of solid food but rather the development of oral-motor skills and exposure to a wide array of smells, textures, and tastes. Human milk or formula is the primary form of nutrition while infants develop these skills.
Developing the skills for chewing is a lot like developing the skills for walking. When children learn how to walk, they go through a series of developmental milestones before walking—pulling to stand, walking with support, and falling—before they are successful. Each of these milestones is an important building block to master walking. The same goes for chewing; we cannot expect an infant or toddler to know how to chew without practicing first.
An infant's digestive system is incredibly dynamic and undergoes several changes after birth and throughout the first year of life and beyond; however, it is not fully understood. In general, digestion starts in the mouth, continues in the stomach and small intestine, and concludes in the colon. There is no research to support that infants or young children can only digest pureed foods. While it has been shown among adults that purees and juice formations of the same food digest faster than the same food in solid form, even when chewed properly, this does not directly translate to improved nutritional absorption or outcomes.
When an infant first begins their finger food journey, they swallow a minimal amount of solid food as they develop their oral-motor skills and remain nutritionally supported by human milk and/or formula. Regardless of how solid food is introduced (purees, finger foods, or a combination of both), we know it challenges the infant's digestive system, as evidenced by the change in color, smell, and stool texture. To this end, caregivers should not become instantly alarmed if they see a small chunk of undigested carrot, a hull of corn, or flaxseed in their child's stool as long as the child is growing appropriately. To date, there is no research to suggest that infants who follow baby-led weaning (self-feeding) are more likely to experience symptoms suggestive of digestive problems such as increased reflux, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, food allergies, or poor weight gain.
Spices may be introduced in food as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. There is no need to wait–sharing flavors you love early and often can help a child accept them later on. If spices are fiery (such as cayenne pepper, chili powder, szechuan peppercorn), consider starting with a tiny amount at first. The goal is to create a positive experience with new foods and flavors, and heavily spiced dishes can be a bit overwhelming for new eaters. Taste the dish before serving, and if the dish seems too spicy, adjust the seasonings to mellow the flavor. You can also serve spiced foods alongside cooling foods like avocado, mashed potatoes, or yogurt. Offer spicy food alongside a small amount of water (or breast milk or formula) in case baby needs a drink.
Appetites vary from baby to baby. It is totally normal for babies to skip a meal now and then. When they’re starting solids, some babies do not understand what they are supposed to do with the food, and it's natural for parents to interpret their behavior as disinterest in food. Try a little show-and-tell: if you pick up the food and start eating it yourself, your baby may follow your lead. As you and your babies get further into their eating journey, check with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about their weight or growth.
When babies rub their eyes, it can be an indication that they are simply tired, or, in more rare situations, that they are feeling itchy from an allergic reaction. If you feel like you've got their feeding schedule right and ruled out sleepiness, have a look at our page on symptoms of allergic reactions and consider checking in with your pediatrician. Though it can be difficult to watch, the mess is actually an important part of learning to eat. Babies learn through exploration, and getting messy with food is one of the many important sensory experiences from which they learn. Feign indifference and try not to react or get angry, and avoid wiping your baby clean constantly throughout the meal as this can cause a baby to associate feeding with this often negative sensation. Using a pitcher filled with warm water to wash hands, arms, face, feet, and lower legs after each meal can make clean-up fun. Check out our blog on Minimizing the mess. Lastly, if the rubbing is causing any skin irritation, consider consulting with your baby's pediatrician to discuss any skin barrier cream that might be beneficial.
We are aware of the concern of the risk of sharing bacteria when sharing utensils and food with your baby or toddler, though we do find that many parents will still often share utensils and food even just culturally. We see a gentle balance between sterility/safety and the importance of modeling and teaching an infant or child to feed themselves. That being said, we always encourage families to make the best decision for what feels right to them personally, and to have your own risks versus benefits discussions with your pediatrician, and even pediatric dentist as helpful resources.
It depends. Hiccups can be very distressing for some babies, and not a bother for others. Because hiccups can be distracting and bothersome, it may be best to take the food away for a moment and take a break while baby is actively hiccupping. For many individuals, sucking and swallowing or burping can help tame hiccups, so offering a pacifier, the breast/chest, or bottle, or patting the child's back may help the hiccups go away and then you can return to the meal. If you have continued to offer food while baby has hiccups, don't worry: there is no evidence-based correlation between hiccups and choking risk, but the most conservative recommendation is to pause for baby to recover, then return to the meal when the hiccups have stopped so they are not distracted while eating.
It's a common behavior for babies to ask/grunt for more even with some still on their plate. If this is happening frequently, you could always switch things up and remove the family-style portions from the table. You could also serve them a bit more if you feel inclined, or simply bring their attention back to their food on their plate by picking up what they have there for them, or using a utensil, pointing, etc. Some babies just want to share the food from your plate as well, so try to place a piece from your plate on to baby's if you're comfortable with that, or even reach for the food on your baby's plate and take a bite to show your interest in their food. This can all re-engage your baby a bit more in what they have in front of them.
Eating while moving dramatically increases the risk of choking and therefore should be avoided. We know that snacks have to be eaten on the go from time to time. If you do offer snacks in a stroller, wait until your baby is at least 18 months old, and only offer snacks that are a low choking risk. Also be sure to position their stroller so that your babies are sitting upright and not leaning back. If there were ever a time for meal pouches, this is it.
No. Car seats are reclined in a way that is not safe for your babies to eat. To make matters worse, it is difficult to quickly extract your baby from a car seat for emergency assistance when you are in a moving vehicle.
Weaning tables or low-rise tables made specifically for toddlers can be a great way to build independence, provide a safe place for a child to sit for play activities, and serve as an age-appropriate place for meals for kids older than 18-24 months who understand basic safety rules (i.e., Food stays at the table.).
While weaning tables are suitable and can be safe, they can also prevent valuable modeling that happens at the family table; consider reserving toddler tables for snack time and keep primary meals at the family table. Opportunities to sit independently during the day may be enough for a climbing or wiggly toddler to sit happily in their seat for family mealtimes. Check out our High Chair Transitions guide for more in-depth guidance.
First off, try not to label the behavior too quickly. Many toddlers will put meat in their mouth, chew it briefly, and spit it out. This is NOT a sign of dislike. Since many meats are challenging to chew, it is more likely a sign that they do not yet have the skills or endurance to thoroughly break down the food. This is especially true if you see the meat in the front of the mouth and it never moves to the molars or back of the mouth for thorough chewing. Offering large pieces of meat can offer the toddler opportunities to practice taking bites and chewing a challenging texture. Think whole spare ribs, chicken drumsticks, lamb chops on the bone, etc.
If your toddler seems hesitant to even try the meat, you can try offering it in different presentations: meatballs, shredded, big and on the bone, etc. You can also add meat to dishes like polenta, mashed potatoes, or scrambled eggs, but NOT in order to hide the meat. Make sure your toddler knows it is in there, because breaking the child's trust could worsen food refusal. Try offering meats early in the day, not after a long day of daycare/school or when the child is tired. And finally, you can think about setting up situations where hunger drives exploration: offer meat alongside another less-preferred food every once in a while and don't offer a backup food. Do not force or encourage, but remind your child that they can eat if they are hungry, and if they are not, that's okay too, another meal/snack will be available in a few hours. If you're really struggling, check out our guide: 25 Ways to Help Kids Taste Proteins & Vegetables for a ton of ideas.
Best practice is to keep food in one open plate. Will a child who uses a divided plate be ruined? Not at all. But generally the sooner you work toward 1 open plate (or bowl) the better.
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