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6 months
Common Allergen
Squid may be introduced as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. Never serve raw squid to a baby.
Every baby develops on their own timeline, and the suggestions on how to cut or prepare particular foods are generalizations for a broad audience.
Offer large sections or thin strips of cooked squid mantles or fold minced squid into other foods that babies can scoop with their hands or practice eating with utensils. Keep in mind that unless squid is minced and mixed into other food, a baby is not likely to ingest much—but munching on cooked squid mantle or calamari rings offers opportunities to practice biting, tearing, and chewing.
Serve bite-sized pieces of cooked squid once a baby has developed a pincer grasp. Continue to offer large sections of cooked squid mantle to encourage biting and tearing practice, coaching your child to spit out any pieces that are too big.
Calamari time! At this age your toddler may be able to tackle calamari rings (and actually be able to bite, tear and chew them!) As always, watch closely and stay within an arm’s reach as calamari can be challenging to chew.
Fresh squid has a short shelf life in the fridge—only 1 day from purchase. Frozen squid is an affordable, easy-to-find, and convenient alternative. They can be found in many grocery stores and online retailers—either whole or pre-cut.
Yes. Cooked squid is firm and, when not cooked just right, rubbery in texture—two qualities that can be tough for young eaters. To minimize the risk, mince squid into other foods or offer the whole mantle and let baby munch and suck on a large section, taking pieces away as needed. As always, make sure to create a safe eating environment, to stay within an arm’s reach of baby during meals, and to check out our age-appropriate serving suggestions.
For more information, visit our section on gagging and choking and familiarize yourself with common choking hazards.
No. Although part of the larger shellfish family, mollusks (like squid) are not classified as a Global Priority Allergen by the World Health Organization, which only considers crustacean shellfish to be a priority allergen. However, a number of regulatory agencies around the world group the two types of shellfish together and label mollusks as common food allergens alongside crustaceans. Interestingly, shellfish allergies commonly develop in adulthood rather than in children. For those who develop the allergy in childhood, most will not outgrow it.
Individuals with a squid allergy are more likely to experience reactions to other shellfish in the mollusk family (clam, mussels, octopus, oyster, scallop, snail) and also have a >70% risk of reacting to shellfish in the crustacean family (crawfish, crab, lobster, shrimp). If you suspect baby may be allergic to shellfish, consult an allergist before introducing squid.
As they are not closely related, being allergic to shellfish does not mean that an individual will also have a finned fish allergy. However, you may need to be careful about the risk of shellfish proteins cross-contaminating finned fish and other seafood, as they are often prepared in the same facilities using shared tools and cooking materials.
As you would do with any new food, introduce squid by serving a small quantity at first and watching closely for signs of any adverse reaction. If all goes well, gradually increase the quantity over future meals.
Yes. Squid is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for healthy eye and brain development and selenium for a robust immune system. Like most seafood, squid is also an incredible source of protein to support a baby’s growth.
Due to its short life span, squid has less exposure to toxins from pollution in ocean waters than other fish with longer life spans, like tuna. In fact, squid is considered a “best choice” for low mercury seafood by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency.
When shopping for squid, choose fresh or frozen squid instead of canned squid when possible to avoid BPA. Bisphenol A (or BPA, as it is commonly called) is a chemical used to line the interior of cans and plastic bottles that can disrupt a baby’s bodily functions. While many brands include a “BPA-free” label on other food products, cans of squid often do not specify, so it would be wise to err on the side of caution by purchasing fresh or frozen squid.
If canned seafood is your best option, watch the salt. Many canned products—from vegetables to fish to meats—often have high levels of sodium. Squid packed in olive oil or water is generally a less salty option than squid seasoned with sauces and flavorings.
Hold off on serving preserved squid that has been dried, fermented, marinated, or pickled. While it is delicious, preserved seafood often contains added sodium, sugar and other preservatives not appropriate for babies. Also avoid squid cured in its ink, whose antimicrobial properties extend the seafood’s shelf life. Melanin, a building block used to build proteins, and metals such as cadmium, copper, and lead are both present in squid ink in high quantities, making this delicacy a treat best enjoyed by adults and older children on special occasions.
Finally, when possible, consider where and how fish and shellfish are caught, as some aquatic populations and habitats are suffering from mismanaged commercial fishing. A respected go-to resource, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch offers recommendations for the best choices for sustainability, with squid caught in the U.S. at the top of the list.
Our world is home to several hundred squid species that live in a diverse range of habitats, from coral reefs and tidal pools to deep ocean waters. Some are tiny and abundant—like firefly squid, whose bioluminescence illuminate Japanese waters during spawning season. Others loom large in folklore, like the elusive giant squid Architeuthis, who has inspired art, literature, and tall tales from fishermen for generations. Like its fellow cephalopod, the octopus, squid is a highly intelligent sea creature with exceptional eyesight, a complex nervous system, and impressive defense skills that include changing color and blasting murky ink to elude predators. They are also prized foods in many parts of the world. With the exception of its beak, a squid’s entire body is edible, including its ink, which is often used as a food coloring.
★Tip: Did you know that calamari is simply squid? The word evolved from the Italian and Spanish names for the cephalopod. Today calamari functions as a culinary term to describe various preparations, including the ubiquitous battered-and-fried appetizer at seafood joints.
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