Spring is here! Celebrate with 25% off our All Access app subscription 🌸 Learn More
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You can download the app on Apple or Android.
Our book, Solid Starts for Babies: How to Introduce Solid Food and Raise a Happy Eater will officially be published on April 1, 2025, so any preorder you place now will ship on the release date. We’ve put together a list of retailers so you can choose the one that works best for you! Head here for more information. Thanks for your support!
You can purchase a subscription directly from our website here or in the Solid Starts app on Android or iOS. When purchasing on the website, use the same email address to login to your Solid Starts app.
Yes, the Solid Starts App is available globally.
The Solid Starts App is free to download and features our First Foods® database where you can learn about how to introduce any food to your baby. A paid subscription offers access to additional features including our starting solids guides and videos, 300+ meal ideas, personalized guidance for introducing solid foods and common food allergens, and professional tips and quotes. We offer a free trial for both our monthly and yearly options. You can learn more about our subscription here.
You can explore our First Foods® database for free on our app, where you can search for foods, view nutritional information, preparation guidelines, and choking/allergen information of over 400+ foods. You can access this by exiting out of the paywall after creating/logging into your account on our app.
With a paid subscription, you will get access to a comprehensive, guided experience that includes customizable day-by-day introduction of foods and allergens developed by our team of pediatric professionals, our collection of starting solids guides and videos, an interactive foods tracker to identify foods tried and any reactions, 300+ meal ideas, and tips & quotes from our pros. This is particularly helpful if you are wanting more of a handheld experience through the process of introducing solids. You can learn more about our subscription and can try a free trial here.
Our First Foods® database is free to access, but other app membership features including guided day-by-day introduction of foods and allergens, our collection of starting solids guides and videos, ability to log/track foods served to baby, 300+ meal ideas, expert tips from our team of pediatric pros, and more features–require a subscription. To access the database, you simply need to "X" out of the paywall pop-up after creating/logging into your account. If you are still seeing a limited number of searches, make sure you have our most recent update–version 3.5.0 or higher. Some also find that deleting and reinstalling the app can help as this can act as a reset. If this doesn't fix the issue or if you have any further questions, please reach out to us and our team can help you out.
Yes, our First Foods® database is available on both our website and app.
No—a prior purchase of one of our bundles does not offer access to the paid features of the app, as our website and app subscription are on two separate platforms. A paid subscription to our app gives you access to all of our starting solids guides and videos, guided introduction of foods and allergens, 300+ recipes, food/allergen tracking, and tips and tricks from our pros. Note: It is not possible to give access to the guides within the app separately from the app’s other paid features, which is why a paid subscription is necessary to view the guides in the app, even if they were already purchased on our website.
If you’d like to explore what’s in the app, there is a free trial and flexible options for monthly and annual plans. You can learn more about our subscription here.
Yes! To access the guides in the app, navigate to the “Explore” tab and click “View all” in the “Guides” section. You can also search for a specific guide by name/topic in the search bar at the top of the “Explore” tab.
Unfortunately, no. Even if you purchased the guide(s)/bundle on our website, you will be unable to view them within the app without a separate app subscription as these are on two separate platforms. It’s not possible to give access to the guides within the app separately from the other paid app features. This means an app subscription is necessary to access any of our guides and videos within the app along with the other premium features, such as the guided introduction of foods and allergens, 300+ recipes, food/allergen tracking, and tips from our pros. You can learn more about our subscription and try a free trial here.
The most common reason people don't see their purchases on the website is because they are logging in with a different email address than the one they used to purchase. Unfortunately, the email addresses need to match for our system to display your purchases.
If you purchased with a different email than you are using to sign into the site, you can simply make a new account on our site using your purchase email address and then you should see your purchases. The email address associated with your order will be the same address that received the order confirmation email. Contact Us if you need additional help.
We have a variety of guides and video courses to help navigate both the toddler stage and the reversal of picky eating. This content has not yet been integrated into our app. Visit our website here if you are interested in any of these resources. Note: if you select “buy all guides” you will have access to all of our guides and video courses for both toddlerhood and reversing picky eating for a discounted price!
A subscription to the Solid Starts app provides a comprehensive guided experience to help you navigate introducing solids. This includes:
Personalized guided introduction of foods and allergens developed by our team of board-certified pediatricians, allergist, feeding therapists, and dietitian
Access to our collection of starting solids guides and video courses
300+ meal ideas for babies and toddlers
Tips and quotes from our team of pediatric professionals
Interactive foods tracker for ingredient and allergen tracking
Reactions, sensitivities, and allergies log
Essential articles written by our pediatric pros, searchable by topic
Ability to search for any foods, meals, guides, and articles directly within our app
Access to our award-winning First Foods® database with nutritional information and tips for how to prepare and serve to baby
You can learn more about our app subscription here
Yes, click on the profile icon on the top of the home screen to go to your profile. In your profile, click on Manage Membership and choose the Yearly option there. You can also switch plans within the Subscriptions section of your Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
If you are on the free version of our app (First Foods® database), you can upgrade to a paid subscription by visiting this page to purchase an app subscription. Once you have purchased it, the app will recognize your account and allow you to access the paid features. You can also upgrade directly in the app itself by clicking on the subscription prompt that will appear when you click on any paid feature or visiting your profile and clicking “manage membership”.
Start by creating your baby’s profile with onboarding with the app. There are 5 “tabs” at the bottom of the screen which can help you navigate your journey within the app:
“Today” tab: This is where you can find your customizable day-by-day introduction of solids and common food allergens. More on this feature in the Q&A below.
“Foods” tab: Our First Foods® database lives here! Search over 400+ foods, view nutritional, choking, and allergen info, and preparation guidelines.
"Explore" tab: Search across foods, guides, meals and articles with a specific search term, or browse the full collection of any of those categories.
“Meals” tab: Navigate 300+ meal ideas here! At the top of this screen you’ll see 3 tabs: “ideas” gives you ideas for new meals; “all meals” allows you to search by ingredient or meal name, and filter by diet type, baby’s age, level of difficulty in preparation, allergens, and so on; “my meals” houses any meals you have favorited/hearted and also your “lists” for any meals you have added to a list (an excellent way to create a weekly meal plan!).
“Tracker” tab: Here you can see foods you have logged, any you have marked as baby’s “favorites,” allergens you have tried, any logged reactions (particularly helpful for doctor’s visits), and foods you have marked as “try later.” You can also log ingredients and add any notes to any day directly from this tab.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions or need further guidance.
This feature is located on the "Today" tab of your app. Swipe through to discover meals, use it day-by-day to mark favorites, or create lists to mark ones you want your baby to try next. This is customizable to you and your preferred journey with your baby.
The "Today" tab is divided into "paths" relevant to your baby’s stage. With the introduction of each path, read the article relevant to the foundation of that path, and mark this as “read” to start exploring meals.
The first path is called “First Bites” (If you selected that you have already tried solid foods during onboarding, then you will be asked to move into the second path, "The Big 3"–in which allergens are introduced). With this path, the app will require you to read the article, “Gagging vs Choking,” and once you select that you have read it, the meal carousel for that path will unlock. The meals in First Bites are super simple with 2-4 ingredients and no allergens.
As your baby tries new meals, mark them as complete to move along to other paths where you’ll learn to introduce common allergens, and discover meals and ingredients that go along with the new skills your baby is learning on their feeding journey. The meals you see in your "Today" tab carousel can be completed in any order, as you will only see meals appropriate for your baby's stage and with allergens that you have already safely introduced.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions or need further guidance.
Allergen introduction is available as part of the guided food introduction journey and is found on the “Today” tab of your app. Allergen Introduction will appear after you make your way through the first Path which is called "First Bites." This will bring you to "The Big 3" Path, which will start introduction of allergens (this one includes the 3 most common allergens: peanut, dairy, and egg), and will continue on in the next path, “Explore the Rainbow.” Please contact us if you have any additional questions or need further guidance.
You can navigate to the “Explore” tab at the bottom of your app and use the general search bar at the top to search for anything. You can also browse by category (Articles, Guides, Meals, and Foods) on that same page by clicking the “View all” button for the specific category you want to search.
Tap the little heart icon on any food to add it to your favorites. You'll also be asked if you want to add this food to your "favorites" list upon tracking it for the first time from that food's database page. You can check on your favorites list any time within the tracker.
There are two ways to log a food:
From the food’s database page: Tap the plus sign on the food’s database page to add it to the tracker. You'll be asked if you'd like to add it as a favorite, and if baby had a reaction. You'll also be able to make any notes about that food.
From your Tracker tab: Tap the blue plus sign. Select “foods” and the date which you want to log the food. You can then search for foods by name and select the checkbox next to any food you would like to add to the tracker for that day. Click “confirm selection” at the bottom. You will then be given the option to add a note or reaction to any of those foods before clicking “Save.”
Note that if baby has tried a meal from the “Today” tab carousel, it will add all foods from that meal into your tracker automatically.
Once you’ve added a food to the tracker, you’ll be asked if baby had a reaction. From there, you can note which symptoms baby experienced. To see a main list of all foods that elicited reactions to share with family, caregivers, or doctors, simply tap the “Reactions” button on your Tracker page. You can also add reactions when you log directly through the Tracker tab by clicking on the blue “plus” sign, selecting the food and adding a reaction.
Once you're viewing any food, you can tap the “try later” button on the database page to add the food to your “Try Later” list. Lots of people use this as their shopping list as well :)
Click into the food in which you would like to remove the reaction. (You can find the food via the tracker calendar or by clicking the food icon in the upper right of your home screen). Click on the “x Tried” button in the rectangular box under the food name, which will bring you to the food’s note page. Click into the note that contains the reaction, and you will be able to delete the reaction. If you logged the food as “allergic” during the allergen introduction series on the “Today” tab, you can navigate to your baby profile and click “try again” to re-introduce the allergen.
First, search for the food. From the food entry, click on "How to serve". That's where you'll find all of the information on how to cut, prepare, and serve each food for baby depending on their age.
We are adding new foods every day! It's a slow process because each food needs to be reviewed by several licensed professionals but we're doing our best to have every single food in the database. Feel free to contact us with your suggestions for new foods to add. We’d love to hear your ideas!
Any food not in our database can still be added to your tracker! While on your Tracker tab, click the blue “+” button and select “Foods,” and then the date you wish to log the food. Click “Add other food” at the top and type the name of the food in the text box.
Click on the profile option on the home screen, which will take you to your Profile page. Click "switch baby" and you will see the option to add a new baby profile appear at the bottom.
Yes! Open your food tracker and click on the date that has the food you want to change, then click on the food name at the bottom of the screen. Click the "X Tried" box and then click into your "note" field. There, you can click on the date (underneath the food name at the top) and change it to whatever date you want. You can also edit the food’s notes and reactions on this screen. Click the blue "Update" button when you are done making changes.
To delete a food:
1. Click on the Tracker icon from the bottom of your app homepage
2. Click on the date in the calendar with the food you want to delete
3. Click on the food's picture at the bottom
4. Click into the “X Tried” box
5. Click into the "notes" box
6. Click "delete"
“Poop friendly” means whether a food has qualities that can help baby poop.
Yes! The same login credentials can be shared across multiple devices, whether Apple or Android. This makes it super easy for parents/caregivers to coordinate baby’s solid food progress with each other.
If you want to make some purees for baby, by all means do so! Any food can be pureed, but our First Foods® database shows you how to serve each food without the need to puree. You’ll also see many foods offered “2 ways” often equating to a mashed version and a finger food version. Variety is key.
That's really for you to decide–trying a food is about more than consumption: touch, taste, visual characteristics, texture, and more! If baby brings the food to their mouth, we’d count it. For more on what constitutes allergen exposure, have a look at our page on Introducing Allergens to Baby.
You can view recipes with a paid subscription. On your "Today" tab, you will see the option to browse hundreds of meal ideas depending on the path and stage you are in. Within each path, you may skip meals, repeat meals, and save others for later. You can also favorite meals and add them to custom lists you create. We built in this flexibility and customization to give you the freedom to introduce solids at your own pace.
Our searchable recipe database (“Meals” tab) also features over 300+ recipes. You can search by specific ingredient, choose a recipe from our curated lists (i.e. “Make-Ahead Lunches,” “Iron-Rich Recipes,” etc.) or simply scroll through the entire recipe database for whatever catches your eye! You can also save recipes to custom lists as well as mark recipes as favorites.
Click the “log” button on the meal to track all ingredients within that meal.
From within the "Today" tab, click on the three dots on the right of the meal card, and you will see the option to add that meal to a list. From within the “Meals” tab, click the “list” icon on the top right of the recipe card to add it to a list.
Yes–you can search by ingredient. Type the name of a food into the search bar in the "Meals" tab, and you will find plenty of options to use that ingredient in a recipe to share with baby.
First, make sure you are on the latest version of the app. You can check by visiting the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to see if an update is available for download. Once you've verified you have the current version / updated to the current version (currently version 3.5 or higher), log out of your account from the profile page. Then, log back in again by re-entering your email and password. This is an important "reset" for the app and should solve any error messages. Some users also find that deleting the app and reinstalling it helps. If you still see error messages after that, please contact us.
The most common reason for this is trying to log in with a different email address than the one you signed up with. Please note that the email address where you received your subscription confirmation email is NOT necessarily the same address you used to sign up for the app. If you can't log in, think if you may have signed up with another email address. Also, if you are only using our First Foods Database (the free version of the app), it's possible you never made an account. Prior to an update we made a few months ago, free users could use the app without an account. All users must now have an account. If this is the case for you, you can simply create a new account.
If you can't remember your password, you can click the "forgot password" link to receive a code to reset your password, as long as the email address you enter is registered in our system. And be sure to check your spam folder. Contact us if you continue to have issues logging in.
The most common reason for this error message is because you might be logging in with an email address that is not associated with the subscription. The subscription is purchased on your phone and is "owned" by the email address of your Apple or Google Play account. However, access to the subscription features is associated with the email address used to create the app account, which can be different from your Apple or Google ID. This is the same case if you purchased the membership directly from our website - your purchase address may be different than your app account address.
Please try logging in with another email address and see if your subscription is recognized with that address. Contact us if you continue to have issues.
1. Click on the “forgot password?” link within the app or website.
2. Enter the email address that you signed up with.
3. Check your email for the reset code. If you still don’t see an email from Solid Starts after 15-20 minutes, remember to check your junk folder.
4. The email will have a code to reset your password. Return to the website or app and enter this code along with the new password you would like.
5. Click the “reset” button.
6. If you don’t receive the password reset email, or encounter any other issues, contact us for help.
Make sure you have in-app purchases enabled on your phone. Lots of parents disable this to prevent surprise purchases from little hands! If that's enabled, check that you have the most recent version of the app installed by going to the app store and seeing if there is an update for you to download.
If you purchased through Apple or Google, your subscription can be managed through your profile within the app or through My Subscriptions in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your device. We at Solid Starts cannot cancel your subscription for you if you purchased through Apple or Google.
If you purchased your subscription directly through our website, you can log into your account on our website and click into the “Subscription” tab to cancel. If you have any trouble, contact us.
If you purchased a subscription through the app with Apple or Google, you’ll have to reach out to them directly to request a refund. You can request a refund from Apple here or Google here.
If you purchased your app subscription directly from our website or have any other questions, please contact us and we will be able to help you further.
To delete your account, click the “delete account” option in your profile. This will take you to a form on our website where you can enter your email address for deletion. Please note that deleting your account is NOT the same as canceling your paid subscription. See “How do I cancel my app subscription” above for more information.
Yes! The same login credentials can be shared across multiple devices, whether Apple or Android. This makes it super easy for parents/caregivers to coordinate baby’s solid food progress with each other.
For purchases made through Apple or Google Play, you will have to change your payment method within your account, as they manage all payments.
If you purchased your subscription through our website, please contact us for help with your payment method.
For purchases through Apple or Google, your subscription will auto-renew if you selected this option upon sign-up.
App subscriptions purchased directly through our website will auto-renew. You will need to cancel if you do not wish to continue your subscription. You can do this by logging into your account on our website and clicking into the “Subscription” tab. If you have any issues, contact us.
Once your subscription expires, you will no longer be able to access or view your data within the app. However, prior to cancellation, you can export your saved data into a spreadsheet. To do this, click “Tracker” on the main app screen, and select the download icon in the upper right.
For subscriptions purchased via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, we accept what they accept!
For subscriptions purchased through our website, we accept the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
APP PROMO: Use code SPRING25 to receive 25% off the first year of an annual app subscription to the Solid Starts app when you start your membership at solidstarts.com/app.
Note: This code is redeemable via our website only and cannot be used in the Apple or Google app stores.
To redeem the offer, sign in or create an account at solidstarts.com/app, select the Yearly plan, and apply the promotional code at checkout. Offer is valid for first-time customers only. Cannot be combined with other offers or applied to previous purchases. Subscription auto-renews at the regular annual price after the first year unless canceled before the renewal date. You can cancel or change your plan anytime by signing into your account on our website. Offer is valid from March 21, 2025 through March 28, 2025.
TODDLER GUIDE PROMO: 25% Off discount auto-applied on Solid Starts Toddlers & Picky Eating Bundle available for purchase on solidstarts.com only. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer cannot be applied to previous purchases. Discount does not apply to the gift cards. Offer ends 3/28/25 at 11:59 pm EST. Offer only applicable to the Toddler & Picky Eating Bundle
Occasionally we will offer special promotions or discounts for an annual subscription to our app. Be sure to sign up for email here and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with any promotions!
To apply a discount code or a gift card code for an app subscription, sign in or create an account at solidstarts.com/app, select the plan applicable to your offer code, and apply the promotional code at checkout. Note: Discount codes are redeemable via our website only and cannot be used in the Apple or Google app stores.
Unfortunately no---a subscription is activated immediately upon purchase. However if you're hoping to take advantage of a promotion we have currently, many find poking around the app ahead of time can be helpful, particularly with new content integrated into the app including video courses and guides to help you prepare for your solids journey. We hope you'll consider joining our community!
Still have questions about the app? Contact us for more help.
Download the app to start your journey.
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