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Bulgur may be introduced as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. Bulgur—often called “bulgur wheat”—is a form of wheat, which is a common allergen. As with other forms of wheat, bulgur contains gluten and is therefore not safe for those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Bulgur is one of the world’s first convenience foods. The quick-cooking grain originated in the fertile lands east of the Mediterranean Sea, where humans first learned to cultivate wild wheat grasses. Bulgur is traditionally made from durum wheat, but freekeh, Khorasan wheat (kamut), and farro can also be used. To make bulgur, grains are processed into groats, then parboiled, dried, ground, and sifted to separate the different sizes of cracked grain, from finely ground (sometimes labeled #1) to extra coarse (labeled #4).
Cada bebé se desarrolla a su propio ritmo, y las sugerencias que ofrecemos sobre cómo cortar o preparar determinados alimentos son generalizaciones para una amplia audiencia.
Bulgur porridge is a simple way to introduce the grain to baby, and makes an excellent vehicle for new flavors: your favorite spices, mashed fruits and vegetables, or finely ground nut, for example. To serve coarse bulgur as finger food, mix the cooked grains into large, soft meatballs, fritters, or pancakes—shapes that are easier for baby to grab.
Serve bulgur porridge, fritters, pancakes, or meatballs. At this age, offering foods like pancakes and meatballs cut into bite-sized pieces allows baby to practice their developing pincer grasp. You may also offer bulgur on its own or as part of a grain salad, but if baby needs help picking up the tiny grains, try mixing the bulgur salad with a soft, scoopable food like mashed vegetables or yogurt. Remember, never put bulgur into a baby’s mouth. Flattening the grains with a fork can make them easier for baby to self-feed.
Offer bulgur in pancakes, patties, porridge, and meatballs, as well as bulgur on its own or as part of a grain salad. Coarse bulgur also helps thicken curries, soups, and stews, which can make it easier for toddlers to practice using a spoon. If the child is not interested in using a spoon, keep in mind that using utensils can be exhausting for new eaters, and many children toggle back and forth between feeding themselves with their fingers and utensils. Try not to apply too much pressure—consistent and accurate utensil use will come in due time—probably after the second birthday.
Babies need variety, just like the rest of us, so get some new ideas from our 75 Lunches for Babies & Toddlers.
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No, cooked bulgur does not pose a high choking risk, though in theory an individual can choke on any food. As bulgur grains are quite small, they are unlikely to be a true choking hazard, but they do pose an aspiration risk—when a small grain accidentally enters the trachea while baby eats. The body coughs reflexively when this occurs, protecting the airway. To reduce the risk, never place foods like bulgur into a baby’s mouth, as aspiration risk is significantly lowered when babies self-feed, and prepare and serve bulgur in an age-appropriate way. As always, make sure you create a safe eating environment and stay within an arm’s reach of baby during meals.
Learn the signs of choking and gagging and more about choking first aid in our free guides, Infant Rescue and Toddler Rescue.
Yes, wheat products like bulgur (as well as other gluten-containing grains) are classified as a global priority allergen by the World Health Organization. Wheat is one of the most common food allergens in children. Fortunately, two-thirds of children outgrow the allergy by their 12th birthday.
It is important to note that wheat allergy is not the same as celiac disease. While a wheat allergy may be outgrown, celiac disease requires a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet and lifestyle. A gluten “allergy” is typically a misnomer, often in reference to celiac disease.
While rare, some individuals have a condition known as wheat-dependent, exercise-induced anaphylaxis, which can result in a severe allergic reaction if the person exercises within a few hours after eating wheat. These patients should avoid eating wheat in the four hours before strenuous activity.
Lastly, individuals with Oral Allergy Syndrome (also known as pollen food allergy syndrome) may be sensitive to wheat, particularly those who are allergic to grass pollen. Oral Allergy Syndrome typically results in short-lived itching, tingling, or burning in the mouth, and can also result in gastrointestinal distress (abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, or diarrhea) in some cases - especially if the grain was not properly digested and the proteins reach the lower GI tract intact. While uncomfortable, it is unlikely to result in a dangerous reaction.
If you are concerned that baby may be allergic to wheat, talk to a pediatric health care professional before introducing wheat at home. As you would when introducing any new food, start by offering a small quantity for the first few servings and watch closely for any signs of an allergic reaction. If there is no adverse reaction, gradually increase the amount over future meals.
Yes. Bulgur offers plenty of carbohydrates, plus some protein and more fiber than many other grains. Milled and cut from whole wheat berries, bulgur is typically considered a whole grain and, as such, is more nutrient-dense than refined wheat products, offering many B vitamins in addition to iron, magnesium, zinc, as well as some antioxidants and phytochemicals.
★ Tip: Soaking bulgur before cooking improves nutrient absorption. But don’t worry—soaked or unsoaked, bulgur provides plenty of benefits as part of a varied diet.
Sí—siempre y cuando el/la niño/a no tenga alergia al trigo, sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, o enfermedad celíaca.
El gluten es simplemente un tipo de proteína en el trigo y otros granos como la cebada, el centeno y algunas avenas. El gluten es comestible, pero se vuelve problemático para las personas con enfermedad celíaca, una enfermedad autoinmune caracterizada por el daño al intestino delgado cuando se consume gluten. Algunas personas pueden ser sensibles al gluten, pero es posible que no tengan alergia al trigo o enfermedad celíaca. En algunos casos, esto puede ser una sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca. Sin embargo, los granos que contienen gluten también pueden contener ciertos carbohidratos que son difíciles de digerir para algunas personas.
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