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Kumquats may be introduced as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age.
Kumquats originated in East Asia, evolving from the same plant family as oranges, lemons, and limes. Colonization and trade brought kumquats to Europe and beyond, but most are still grown on their native continent today. The English name kumquat is believed to be derived from Cantonese (gām-gwāt) or Japanese (kinkan). While the plants favor warm and sunny regions, kumquats are fairly resistant to cold, leading them to be crossed with other citrus to produce hybrids like the calamansi and limequat.
Cada bebé se desarrolla a su propio ritmo, y las sugerencias que ofrecemos sobre cómo cortar o preparar determinados alimentos son generalizaciones para una amplia audiencia.
Offer very finely chopped kumquat or a sauce made from cooked kumquats stirred into a scoopable food. You can also squeeze the juice of a kumquat (just be sure to remove any seeds) on top of any dish for baby.
Offer kumquats that have been de-seeded and cut into thin rings for baby to pick up and try to self-feed with their developing pincer grasp. You can also cook pieces of kumquat into a sauce to drizzle into other foods.
Continue to offer kumquats cut into thin rings for the child to pick up independently. If you see that a child is consistently showing the ability to bite and tear with their teeth, you can offer kumquats that have been cut in quarters (lengthwise from stem to bottom). Once they have demonstrated this skill, you can progress to kumquats that have been cut in half lengthwise, knowing that there is still some level of choking risk. Demonstrate how to bite into the halved kumquat in an exaggerated fashion before offering it to a child.
When you feel the child has mature eating skills (moves food around in the mouth well, chews food before swallowing, etc.) and you are confident that the child can sit and follow directions, consider offering whole kumquats in a safe and supervised setting. Kumquats pose a high choking risk and most health advisory bodies do not recommend offering similar foods (like grapes) until age four. We believe that children must learn to chew challenging foods, and that it is safest to do so in a supervised setting with a caregiver so a child can develop the skills to safely manage these foods.
If you have not yet offered kumquats halved lengthwise, you may want to begin with this size before progressing to whole kumquats. We suggest rolling the kumquat with light pressure between your hands or on a table first to soften it, then demonstrating chewing with the molars prior to offering a whole kumquat: open your mouth, place the kumquat on your teeth and explain “I am using my big teeth to crush this fruit.” You may want to consider holding the kumquat for your child to practice biting—hold at the corner of the mouth and allow your child to close their teeth on the kumquat. Coach the child to push hard to break through the kumquat skin and bite off a piece of it. Do not offer whole kumquats if the child is not sitting at the table and supervised.
Kumquat seeds are edible, although they taste a bit bitter. At this age, you can model spitting out the seeds of your own kumquat and encourage the child to do the same, or the child can chew and swallow the seeds.
Learn simple strategies in our guide 15 Ways to Interest Toddlers in Trying New Foods.
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Yes. Kumquats are firm, round, and challenging to chew, qualities that increase choking risk. To reduce the risk, prepare and serve kumquats in an age-appropriate way. As always, make sure you create a safe eating environment and stay within an arm’s reach of baby during meals.
Learn the signs of choking and gagging and more about choking first aid in our free guides, Infant Rescue and Toddler Rescue.
No, kumquats are not classified as a common food allergen. However, self-reported sensitivity to citrus is described frequently in medical literature around the world. Also, individuals with Oral Allergy Syndrome (also called pollen food allergy syndrome) may be sensitive to citrus fruits such as kumquats. In particular, individuals who are allergic to grass and certain tree pollens may also be more sensitive to citrus fruits. Oral Allergy Syndrome typically results in short-lived itching, tingling, or burning in the mouth and is unlikely to result in a dangerous reaction.
Note that kumquat is highly acidic, and contact with the juice may cause a harmless rash on the skin, typically around the mouth. It usually dissipates after a short time. Additionally, the acid can be irritating to a baby’s digestive tract, as well as cause or worsen diaper rashes when consumed in excess. The peel of kumquat also contains a compound called limonene, which is a known contact allergen and can cause allergic contact dermatitis in sensitized individuals.
Kumquat is associated with phytophotodermatitis, a skin condition that occurs when a person gets the juice from the fruit on the skin and doesn't wash it off. Compounds in the juice are activated by the sun and cause an itchy and occasionally blistering and painful rash on the skin. Cleaning the skin after citrus contact and using sun protection can help to prevent the phytophotodermatitis rash.
As you would when introducing any new food, start by offering a small quantity for the first few servings. If there is no adverse reaction, gradually increase the quantity over future meals.
Yes. Kumquats are a great source of vitamin C, which powers baby’s immune system and aids in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. They are also a great source of fiber to support baby’s digestive system, and a good source of certain B vitamins (like vitamin B6 and folate), calcium, and potassium, which play an important role in blood, brain, cell, and skin health. The peel is particularly high in several plant-based compounds shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Termina la comida y ofrécele una toma de pecho o biberón. Nunca presiones a un/a bebé o a un/a niño/a para que coma; a largo plazo esto sólo empeorará el rechazo a los alimentos. Los bebés rechazan la comida por diferentes motivos, como la dentición, una enfermedad, demasiado cansancio, o falta de energía o interés en aprender una nueva habilidad. Para obtener más información sobre por qué el/la bebé puede negarse a comer, consulta nuestra guía Cómo responder al rechazo de los alimentos en los bebés.
Al comienzo, ofrece una pequeña cantidad y confía en que tu bebé sabe cómo mostrar interés si quiere más haciendo ruidos, gestos, o gritando o extendiendo la mano. Ten en cuenta que la mayoría de los bebés entre 6 y 9 meses de edad no consumen muchos alimentos sólidos al principio. Para los bebés de entre 10 y 12 meses de edad, enfócate en ofrecer el equivalente a una comida equilibrada para adultos, pero con porciones más pequeñas. Pon atención a las señales que te da el/la niño/a: cuando el/la bebé te muestre que desea “más”, ofrécele más comida. Cuando el/la bebé muestre señales de “ya terminé”, para de ofrecerle comida.
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